Want to get an intense total body workout that focuses on strengthening the core? Want to locate and demolish any weaknesses in your body? Looking for something totally different from the standard gym scene? TRX Training is what you've been looking for.
Using uniquely designed bands and your own bodyweight, TRX incorporates various moves and positions to focus on building specific muscles and improving overall balance and stability. TRX Training draws on leading-edge research and best practices from the military, pro sports, and academic institutions coupled with our seasoned team’s experience working with athletes, coaches, trainers, first responders, subject matter experts, professors, and service members in all branches.
The TRX Suspension Trainer is the original, best-in-class workout system that leverages gravity and your bodyweight to perform hundreds of exercises. You're in control of how much you want to challenge yourself on each exercise - because you can simply adjust your body position to add or decrease resistance. Because the TRX Suspension Trainer requires you to engage your core with every exercise, you get a total-body workout every time you train.

To find Pricing for TRX classes and to schedule a class, get in touch with our instructors!